The Dove® Bean to Bar project, was a one-off advertising opportunity given to us by CVS to promote Dove® chocolate. The key goal was to provide empowering, handwritten messages to the public that reflected the Dove® brand, while pointing potential consumers to CVS for a deal on their chocolate. The deliverables included were print outs for bus stops as well as social media assets for Facebook and snapchat.
I was the final art developer for this project, I took the general key visual from my art director, Emi Rosa, and combined all the assets that were given to us to create this piece. It was no simple feat, each of the small illustrations on the sticky notes (which were hand drawn by members of the office, myself included) had to be randomized and individually placed and modified to match Dove’s brown color. With some help from the design team, credit to Jeremy White and Jack Gray Jr., we developed a system where I could use different sections of a master sticky note layout to match different sizes needed for separate bus stops.
The client was very pleased with the results and called this project a massive success. They even provided us photos as soon as the pieces were printed and live. The next step was creating the assets needed for the digital pieces, Snapchat and Facebook.

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